Recently, I've watched a video of journalists talking about GFriend. And I have seen some people quoting them in my Twitter timeline. Then I saw GFriend Part made a tweet of a post from Pann with non-stop compliments about our favorite girl group. As it will take too much space uploading the screenshots of the video. I wrote below the conversation between the reporters based on the screenshots given in the Pann post. I will also translate some of the relevant comments left by netizens reading the post. I thank you in advance for reading.
DISCLAIMER: The Pann post translation below does not cover the whole video. I'm also waiting for a kind soul to subtitle the whole video. Which is unlikely since the uploader might claim copyrights for that.
[캡션]오늘은 여자친구 이야기를 할 거예요
[Caption] Today we will talk about GFriend.
밍키: 여자친구는 데뷔 할 때부터 이슈였던거 같아요
Mingki: GFriend has been an issue every since their debut.
Mingki: GFriend has been an issue every since their debut.
정형: 진짜 아이돌 모르는 사람도 페북에 이런그룹이 나왔다면서. 뮤비 올리고 이댔을정도니까
Junghyung: Really, for those people who don't know much about idols would think that they just came out of Facebook.
Junghyung: Really, for those people who don't know much about idols would think that they just came out of Facebook.
김형: 그리고 이름을 정말 잘 지었어 '여자친구'. 여자친구 사진을 하고 나녔다. 프사에 그 관련 에피소드가 있잖아. 여자친구예요 이러면서..
Kimhyung: And their group name 'GFriend' was pretty well chosen. There was also this episode that they released their profile pictures. It was GFriend pictures uploaded.
Kimhyung: And their group name 'GFriend' was pretty well chosen. There was also this episode that they released their profile pictures. It was GFriend pictures uploaded.
밍키: 그 때는 조금 낯설었는데.. 저는 사실 그룹 이름을 들었을 땐 무척 당황스러웠지만 일단 노래가 너무 좋으니까 무대를 찾아보게 되더라고요.
Mingki: It was a little strange that time.. Honestly for me I cringed when I heard their group name however when I first heard their song it was so good that I found myself watching their performances.
Mingki: It was a little strange that time.. Honestly for me I cringed when I heard their group name however when I first heard their song it was so good that I found myself watching their performances.
정형: '진짜 이 안무를 무대에서 하는게 가능해?' 생각이 들정도로 굉장히 빡센 안무로 데뷔를 했기 때문에 그리고 굉장히 보컬이 강조된 노래를 많이해요 이게 노래방 좀 가서 불러보신분들은 이시겠지만 진짜.. 웬만해서 안 올라갑니다.
Junghyung: 'Really, is it even possible to do this choreography in live stage?' Is what crossed my mind when I saw them with difficult choreography for their debut song. On top of that they even created songs which greatly highlight their vocals. Like you may even notice people singing them in karaoke, really .. not many can reach notes that high.
Junghyung: 'Really, is it even possible to do this choreography in live stage?' Is what crossed my mind when I saw them with difficult choreography for their debut song. On top of that they even created songs which greatly highlight their vocals. Like you may even notice people singing them in karaoke, really .. not many can reach notes that high.
밍키: 저는 항상 유주씨한테 밥을 두 그릇 먹으라고 말하고 싶은게 고음을.. 고음을 어떻게 그렇게 빡빡 지르지? 너무 대단해..
Mingki: I've always wanted to tell Yuju to eat two bowls of rice (which caused the two laughing) High-notes .. (they are still laughing) is that how you make high notes like that? That's really awesome..
Mingki: I've always wanted to tell Yuju to eat two bowls of rice (which caused the two laughing) High-notes .. (they are still laughing) is that how you make high notes like that? That's really awesome..
김형: 그러면서 춤도 추고 라이브도 하고
Kimhyung: They even sing live with that kind of choreography.
Kimhyung: They even sing live with that kind of choreography.
정형: (여자친구) 쇼케이스 한 번 가봐죠? 실체로 보면 군무가 장난이 아니잖아
Junghyung: Have you been to one of [GFriend] showcase? I'm telling you, their choreography is really no joke.
Junghyung: Have you been to one of [GFriend] showcase? I'm telling you, their choreography is really no joke.
밍키: 예. 저 '시간을 달려서' 쇼케이스 가봤는데 제가 마침 2층에서 보게 됏어요 보게 됐는데 진짜 그러면 안무동선이 다 보이잖아요? 군무가 군무가 그렇게 빡세게 잘맞춰서 할 수 가 없어
Minki: Yes, I have been to their showcase for 'Rough'. You know what, I was watching them from the second floor where you can really see all the choreography? The group dance, the group dance, there is no way that anyone can do as hard and as neat as that.
Minki: Yes, I have been to their showcase for 'Rough'. You know what, I was watching them from the second floor where you can really see all the choreography? The group dance, the group dance, there is no way that anyone can do as hard and as neat as that.
정형: '시간을 달려서'면 3번째 노래인데.. '오늘무터 우리는' 지나서인데.. 그런데도 흐트러지지 않고 그 군무를 해냈다는 거..
Junghyung: 'Rough' is the third song ... 'Me Gustas Tu' is the previous song .. however the choreography has not weaken even a bit ...
Junghyung: 'Rough' is the third song ... 'Me Gustas Tu' is the previous song .. however the choreography has not weaken even a bit ...
밍키: 더 잘했지. 노래도 나무 좋았고 사실 쇼케이스에서는 태도도 중요하잔하요 기자들과 말하는 것도 중요한데 여자친구는 성실하게 잘 하려고 하는 친구들 같아서 호감이 가요. 저는 여자친구는 항상 느낌이 좋은거 같아요.
Mingki: They are getting better, aren't they? I'm loving their songs too. Honestly, in a showcase your attitude is important too especially that it's really important when talking with reporters but in case of GFriend they are sincerely good at this that it feels like I'm just talking with a friend and I really like that about them. And for me being with GFriend is always a really good experience.
Mingki: They are getting better, aren't they? I'm loving their songs too. Honestly, in a showcase your attitude is important too especially that it's really important when talking with reporters but in case of GFriend they are sincerely good at this that it feels like I'm just talking with a friend and I really like that about them. And for me being with GFriend is always a really good experience.
정형: 정말 늘 열심히 해요 그게 정말 대단한거 같아요.
Junghyung: I think the most amazing thing about them is that they really are very hardworking.
Junghyung: I think the most amazing thing about them is that they really are very hardworking.
김형: 그리고 그걸 팬이 아닌 대중도 모두 인지하고 있다는거 그게 정말 쉽지 않은 일이잖아.
Kimhyung: And even the public recognizes that, not only the fans mind you. Which is not a very easy task to do.
Kimhyung: And even the public recognizes that, not only the fans mind you. Which is not a very easy task to do.
밍킹: 진짜 성실하고 노력하는건 배신하지 않는다라는 걸 이 단순한 명제를 증명하는 그룹이 아닐까.
Mingki: Really, they are trustworthy, they are sincere and do a lot of effort which really defines them as a group I guess.
Mingki: Really, they are trustworthy, they are sincere and do a lot of effort which really defines them as a group I guess.
정형: 그리고 제가 언제가 '여자친구' 이야기를 하게 된다면 꼭 이야기 하고 싶었는데 저는 '핑거팁' 인터뷰 일 때 봤는데 '엄지'씨 진짜 예쁘거든요? 그냥 이게 '얼구이 꽃가이 예쁘더라' 이거는 당연히 연예인은 예뻐요. 다른 멈버들도 다 예뻐요. 그런데 제가 유독 '엄지'씨를 자꾸 보게 됐던거는 말을 정말 똑부러지게 하고요. 그리고 풍기는 지적이고 차분한 분위기가 있어요. 진짜 저보다 한참 동생인데, 약간 롤모델 언니를 보는 것 같은 느낌이고 '나도 저런 분위기를 닮고 싶다' 라는 그런 생각이 들정도로 정말 너무너무 멋있어요.
Junghyung: And also, while we are talking about 'GFriend', I think I need to make sure to mention this. I met them during a 'Fingertip' interview and 'Umji' is very pretty? It's not just 'her face is a pretty as a flower' but you can be sure that she of course, a pretty celebrity. The other members are all beautiful too. However, 'Umji' really caught my attention because she is very eloquent/articulate. She also has this calm and intelligent aura. Like really, I'm older than her but I feel like like she's my role model older sister. It also makes me think that 'I want to be like her' whenever I hear her speak. She's really really cool.
Junghyung: And also, while we are talking about 'GFriend', I think I need to make sure to mention this. I met them during a 'Fingertip' interview and 'Umji' is very pretty? It's not just 'her face is a pretty as a flower' but you can be sure that she of course, a pretty celebrity. The other members are all beautiful too. However, 'Umji' really caught my attention because she is very eloquent/articulate. She also has this calm and intelligent aura. Like really, I'm older than her but I feel like like she's my role model older sister. It also makes me think that 'I want to be like her' whenever I hear her speak. She's really really cool.
정형: 기자가 여러명이었고, 질문이 좀 대단하기 어렵거나 자기들이 모르는 부분에 관한 질문도 있었는데 그런 질문이 나와도 전혀 당황하거나, 조바심 떨거나 그렇지 않고요. 충분히 생각을 하고 이야기 하고 그런 소통을 굉장히 잘해요 이거는 답변 외우고 해서 되는게 아니야 저 사람이 얼마나 평소에 많은 지식들을 습득하고 있는지 얼마나 많은 생각을 하고 있는지 느낄 수가 있었어요 진짜진짜 너무 너무 좋았어요.
Junghyung: There are several reporters whose questions are a little difficult or don't know how to answer. But even with questions like these, she is not fazed nor nervous at all. She will give time to think about it before giving an answer. That's how well she communicate with others. This is unlike the normal responses you get no matter how you memorize an answer. I can really feel that she's is digesting every ideas and how much wisdom she gets on regular basis. That's what I really really like about her.
Junghyung: There are several reporters whose questions are a little difficult or don't know how to answer. But even with questions like these, she is not fazed nor nervous at all. She will give time to think about it before giving an answer. That's how well she communicate with others. This is unlike the normal responses you get no matter how you memorize an answer. I can really feel that she's is digesting every ideas and how much wisdom she gets on regular basis. That's what I really really like about her.
밍키: 진짜 여전히 여자친구의 다음 노래가 기대가 돼요 그것만으로도 이미 성공한게 아닐까?
Mingki: I'm still really looking forward to GFriend's next song. Maybe I can say it's already a success for them?
Mingki: I'm still really looking forward to GFriend's next song. Maybe I can say it's already a success for them?
김형: 이 친구들이 또 어떤춤을 빡세게 출 지. 그리고 얼만큼 훌륭한 라이브를 선보일지. 이런 것들이 진짜 아알못도 궁금하게 만들어 버리니까.
Kimhyung: I don't know how these friends can give us another tough choreography. And it also makes me really wonder how great their live performances will be.
Kimhyung: I don't know how these friends can give us another tough choreography. And it also makes me really wonder how great their live performances will be.
정형: 5월에 나온다고 합니다.
Junghyung: They will be having a comeback this May.
And any comments about any errors I made with the translations will be very much appreciated. You might also notice that there are parts I did not translate. It's simply that I can't translate them. I'm still a noob. That's why you guys need to help me.
You can also watch the whole video here.
I also want to give credit to gfriendship GF this video greatly helped me understand some of the journalists' words.
Junghyung: They will be having a comeback this May.
And any comments about any errors I made with the translations will be very much appreciated. You might also notice that there are parts I did not translate. It's simply that I can't translate them. I'm still a noob. That's why you guys need to help me.
You can also watch the whole video here.
I also want to give credit to gfriendship GF this video greatly helped me understand some of the journalists' words.
Source: Pann
[+80, -15]
Really, these kids deserves everything and be successful.
[+76, -30]
GFriend is the best. They've been doing quite fine since debut. Really, their public appeal is their primary strength. It's the first time heard of a small company launching it's first girl group whose debut song to find it's place in the annual charts. And GFriend did that.
[+59, -8]
Ooooooooooohhhhh GFriend comeback on May? Are these reporters even allowed to disclose it right now? Umji is the best.
[+36, -6]
Girls that create miracles
[+31, -1]
They had their third year since debut. Then this is their fourth year already but they never disappoint with their performances. I've watch them in a song festival, really, they dance with precision like a fruit cut with a sharp knife. And I saw Yuju's Instagram picture, she's so skinny* ....
T/N: Trust me Buddies, I tried searching what 마름/ma-reum means. And the only one I've got in my search is "lean/slim/skinny". And really, Yuju is really skinny in her Instagram post.
[+27, -5]
Yes. Their best assets are their talents and abilities.
[+23, -4]
Praises for GFriend this time for real *crying* watching their knife-like choreography really makes me feel good
T/N: This GIF shows two different parts of the song yet they are so in sync like it was copy-pasted.
[+18, -1]
I'm not a fan of them but like Apink, GFriend will last long as a group. The members get along very well, and their personalities so pure/innocent. The leader is also doing a good job. I really think they have a long way ahead of them.
[+17, -4]
All of them have the talent. They have moderate body figures too. And their ability to digest a concept gives me the chills. They are really good.
[+16, -1]
Wow... GFriend antis how much more aggressive and terrible can you get? Can't make a noise now?
[+16, -3]
These kids may look cute and innocent but in reality they are naughty girls *laughing*
[+15, -2]
I'm a boy group fan but I think GFriend built(?) themselves by their talent and hardwork with very little help from their small company. So I like them among girl groups.
[+14, 0]
I also think Umji as a very eloquent person. She's the kind of person who calmly speak what she wants to say.
[+14, 0]
The antis don't know what to say except to express denial hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha
[+15, -2]
I'm a boy group fan but I think GFriend built(?) themselves by their talent and hardwork with very little help from their small company. So I like them among girl groups.
[+14, 0]
I also think Umji as a very eloquent person. She's the kind of person who calmly speak what she wants to say.
[+14, 0]
The antis don't know what to say except to express denial hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha